Non Non Biyori! It’s a Countryside but a Fun School Life Every Day!

Hello, everybody. I know this Manga series but I’ve just seen its anime and never read the original comics before. I’m Manga Republic’s Boss.
Aaand, hello everybody! It’s Saori from Manga Republic! Yeah, I know! If we watch anime first, we sometimes won’t read the original comics, huh~!
As Boss said, some of you might already know the title of the series, which we’ll be featuring today! It’s so popular that its Season 3 is now scheduled to air in January 2021! Why don’t you also check out the manga version in this great opportunity?

【Winter 2021 Anime】
It’s a Countryside but a Fun School Life Every Day!
Featuring Non Non Biyori!

What Is Non Non Biyori?

It’s a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Atto-Sensei.
The series began publication since 2009 and 15 volumes of comics have currently been released. Basically, each episode stands alone so it’s easy to read with the main theme “A school life by girl students who go to school in countryside.” Since it’s countryside, it’s not convenient, however, all the descriptions unique to the countryside look so real, making readers sympathize or feel nostalgic. It’s an everyday-life-type story.
The series has sold over 1,750,000 copies in total and an anime series aired since 2013. An anime film premiered as well. The third anime season is set to premiere in January 2021, which so many fans have been waiting for.
Oh My~! Can’t wait! Even though there are not so many exciting and thrilling scenes, it’s the perfect story when we want to spend time, relaxing at home!
Already then! Let’s check out the story of Non Non Biyori!

Outline of Non Non Biyori!

The story is set in a countryside!
The story is (mostly) depicted with the point of view of a 5th grader, Ichijou Hotaru, who transferred from a city!

There is not the specific main protagonists in this story but usually the story goes on with a point of view of Hotaru-Chan, a girl who moved in to this town from a city, so we can feel the gap between a city and a country!
By the way, I’ve heard that the story is set in Saitama Prefecture. Saitama Prefecture is not really countryside but it depends on the area. Some places have no people living in too. That’s why we can feel the real atmosphere, watching this anime.

Different grade but in the same class!
From the elementary school to the junior high school…… all the neighborhood kids are in the same class!

The school which appears in this story is only one! And one class! From the 1st grader to 9th grader! Everybody is in the same class! What they learn is all different so the class is conducted in an individual pace by raising their hands when they have any questions!
We do have such a school that has only one class in Japan but this huge range of the grades in one class is quite rare. That’s why this story is interesting!

Cows! Raccoons! Dogs!!
A laid-back world, full of nature!

The town in the story…… I mean, the village, is abundant in nature! The characters can feel Japanese four seasons and beauty of nature, and spend time with cute wild animals…… We can sometimes see such a heartwarming interaction!
The cows and the dogs are not the wild animals.
Well, but this place is abundant in nature for sure! Since the beauty of Japanese four seasons is often depicted, the event in each season is one of the attractions too!
Like this, it’s a laid-back and fun countryside school life! Not just the anime starting to air in January 2021 but check vol.15 comic, now coming out too!
Manga Set
Non Non Biyori
Non Non Biyori
Already! This is all for today! We’ll see you all at the next article!

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