Special manga pamphlet offer

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  • Charlene Teakell
    Hello! Actually, I bought some manga some time ago (Blanc vol 1 and 2) and there was a pamphlet inside the second volume for a special cover and an extra chapter, but it's only for japanese addresses of course. I was wondering if there was a way I could get some help in receiving these items as well.

    The website is: akaneshinsha.com/opera/periodical/blanc2all
    With the password being: blanc2

    If you're able to help me that'd be amazing and much appreciated! I'll be happy to pay whatever fees/costs that will be involved of course.
    I love this series a ton and would love to have all it can offer! If its not possible, I understand, since this is kind of a strange request.

    Thank you very much!

  • Shingo Iwakiri STAFF
    Thank you for your message.

    Do you want to get A set? We list it and please proceed to checkout.


    Shingo Iwakiri

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