【Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei】Reincarnation × Lord Management! Develop your domain with memories from a previous life!

One day, Van, the fourth son of a marquis family, regains his memories from a past life at the tender age of two. At eight, he is bestowed with a decisive talent, but it is production magic, considered “useless” in this world. As a result, he disappoints his father and is exiled to a nameless frontier village. However, Van does not despair over his situation; instead, he resolves to enrich the village using his knowledge from his past life and his production magic. Thus begins a fun and exciting story of lord management fantasy.
In his dismay, Van is exiled to a remote village, but within him burns an indomitable will. Along with a handful of companions, he aims to revive the village. In the process, they equip adventurers, build massive walls, and even deploy defense balistae, transforming the village into a metropolis at an unprecedented speed. Van's “useless” production magic turns out to be the greatest weapon in saving the village.
Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei is not just another story of lord management. The beauty of the illustrations, the charm of the characters, and the good pacing of the story all combine to draw in readers. Particularly, Van's positive attitude and the bonds with his companions are major attractions for readers. The story takes a step away from the conventional path, with unpredictable developments adding new allure at every turn.
The aftertaste is incredibly refreshing, and you're sure to be drawn into the unique charm of this work. Each character is appealing and adds color to the story. Moreover, the theme of production magic and the process of developing a domain provide a fresh and exciting experience for readers. There are many who wish for its adaptation into movies or anime, hoping that this story reaches even more people.
Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei is not merely a fantasy story, but a narrative of dreams, hope, and bonds. The protagonist Van's positive outlook and the warm relationships surrounding him deeply move readers. This story teaches that any difficulty can be overcome and highlights the importance of a positive attitude towards everything. With anticipation for the future, the next development is eagerly awaited.
Okiraku Ryoushu no
Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei

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