【Goumon Baito-kun no Nichijou!】A Slightly Dark Everyday Work Comedy! Popular on SNS and Finally Published as a Book!

“Goumon Baito-kun no Nichijou” starts with a seemingly surreal setting. In a special world where torture is a routine job, the protagonist, Cero, and other part-timers enjoy their days at this unusual workplace. As the story progresses, readers will be drawn into the unique humor and warmth created by this bizarre setting.
The story centers around Cero, an unusual part-timer. He has various part-time experiences and now utilizes his skills in the torture industry. His senior, Shiu, is a tough-looking father, and with the addition of new part-timers Mike and Hugh, the chemistry between the characters unfolds into an enjoyable story. The unique charm of these characters and their relationships add depth and fun to the narrative.
The story depicts the everyday lives of the part-timers. Despite their unusual job in torture, they experience everyday moments such as worries and excitement over new tools. However, their daily lives are sprinkled with bloodiness and dark lines, creating a unique atmosphere. This contrast provides readers with a fresh surprise and enjoyment.
One of the charms of this story is the warm relationships that develop among the characters. Initially just co-workers, they become irreplaceable to each other through their shared experiences (torture), creating an oddly heartwarming aspect (despite the dark content). The human-like portrayal of the characters by the author will deeply move the readers.
Despite the theme of torture, the work avoids grotesque depictions and is easy to read. The focus is on the human relationships and daily lives of the part-timers, and this gap further enhances the charm of the work. Readers will be completely captivated by this strange world and hope for their “peaceful” days to continue indefinitely.
Goumon Baito-kun no Nichijou

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