The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All Is Back for More!

“The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All” is a manga about a modern high school girl named Aya.
She looks like a flashy gal, but she actually has a surprising interest in old-fashioned music. Her everyday life begins to revolve around a mysterious “Onii-san” working at the local CD shop. However, this “Onii-san” turns out to be her unnoticed classmate, a girl named Mitsuki! This manga, a hot topic on Twitter, is a story about the affections of high school girls.
The manga's main attraction lies in its beautiful artwork and captivating storytelling.
Once you start reading, attracted by the cover, you'll be drawn into the depth of the story. The delicate portrayal of the characters' psychology immerses readers in their world, allowing them to empathize deeply with each character.
The author depicts the wonderful experience of meeting someone who shares the same “likes” in today's world overflowing with content. This work teaches the importance of cherishing one's own “likes.”
This manga skillfully blends themes of youth, music, and friendship.
Not only music lovers but anyone who can deeply love something will be captivated by this manga. The story transcends the narrow confines of school life, depicting a world expanding through new friendships and acquaintances, resonating with the youth of many. This manga particularly evokes nostalgia for older readers, reminding them of their youth and inspiring them to reconnect with friends.
The beauty and expressive power of the artwork deserve special attention.
The theme that one's likes during adolescence are not always accepted by others will resonate with many. It conveys the beauty of continuing to do what you love and valuing your individuality. This manga is a touching work for people of all ages.
The highly anticipated second volume of “The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All” (Ki ni natteru Hito ga Otoko Janakatta) is now available for pre-order! Don't miss out on this evolving story of friendship that starts from a misunderstanding. Be sure to check out the latest installment!
The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All Vol.2
(Ki ni natteru Hito ga Otoko Janakatta Vol.2)

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