【Centuria】Bearing the Lives of 100 Comrades, the Fate of the Stowaway Julian Crossing the Cursed Seas...?!

“Centuria” is a dark fantasy depicting the growth of a young boy, Julian, who is torn between human warmth and sorrow. The story begins with Julian boarding a slave ship as a stowaway, unfolding his harsh journey, encounters with people, and life-threatening trials.
Julian, sold by his parents and working as a slave in a blacksmith's shop, attempts to escape in search of freedom. However, where he ends up is a slave ship carrying 100 other slaves. There, he is caught once again and becomes the 101st slave. It is the moment a new trial begins for him.
On the ship, Julian meets a pregnant slave named Mila, and through her kindness, he learns for the first time the warmth of human connection. However, the ship, having entered cursed waters, is attacked by a mysterious octopus-like monster. Amidst fear and chaos, the 100 slaves who tried to protect Julian lose their lives one after another, and their lives and power become part of him.
The will of the comrades who risked their lives to protect him, and the new life growing in Mila’s womb, Diana. To protect these two “precious” things, Julian confronts his fate. Will he be able to seize his own freedom......? This intense yet heart-stirring story will surely leave readers deeply moved.
From its very first chapter, “Centuria” captivates readers with its stunning artwork and profound storytelling. The plot, where protagonist Julian faces the harsh fate of being a slave yet learns of human affection for the first time through his meeting with Mila, resonates deeply. However, even more shocking is the tragic separation that awaits him. This dark yet hope-filled story opens a new frontier in dark fantasy.
The appearance of the octopus monster, reminiscent of the Cthulhu Mythos, also adds an eerie tension to the story. Its design, while grotesque, seizes the reader's attention and doesn’t let go. The plot, while heavy, is filled with a sense of speed, exuding a unique charm unlike typical “Jump” series.
“Centuria” features many unique and appealing characters, starting with the protagonist Julian. Of particular note is the towering, heroic, and beautiful warrior Anval. She possesses overwhelming strength and toughness, while also having a blunt yet warm heart and kindness. Her portrayal, filled with human struggles and conflicts, draws sympathy from the readers. The narrative flags raised around her character further increase anticipation for future developments.
“Centuria” offers a unique worldview and character appeal not seen in previous fantasy manga. One cannot help but keep an eye on this story, which brings a fresh breeze to the genre. It is a work that can be recommended not only to fantasy lovers but to a wide range of readers. I have high hopes for its future developments!

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